
Friday Favourites

It’s that time of the week again, Friday Favourites is upon us, enjoy!

1. First up is a website that touches on a subject very sensitive to the design side of Slate – the use of Comic Sans. The website called comic sans criminal is aimed at the misuse of the typeface and uses wit and good design to educate against this criminal font abuse. Obviously there is a time and place for the font and you can find out when this is by visiting the site!

Visit here.

2. A while back, in fact all the way back to August, we blogged about the advantages of html5 versus flash. Since then we have been keeping an eye on whats hot in the html5 design world and our favourite way to do this is through Html5 Mania. A website that boasts to ‘showcase the best html5 websites in the world.’ We find this useful for inspiring us as well as keeping up to date with html5 capabilities.

Visit here.

3. Finally we have not so much a website, but an app. WhatsApp is an app that crosses most platforms of smartphone and has caught our eye as it allows you to exchange messages with your friends and contacts without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is cross platform and available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia (beta) and yes, those phones can all message each other! To send and receive messages, WhatsApp utilizes your existing smartphone internet data plan: 3G/EDGE (or Wi-Fi when available). For the small price of $0.99 you can text away for free forever!

Visit here.

Posted: January 2011

Author: Slate

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