6 Google Secrets You’ll Want to Know

Google is the online tool that every business owner loves to hate – but unfortunately it is part and parcel of business success across virtually every industry and sector. 

The simple fact is, if you want to succeed, enticing your target audience and converting browsers into buyers, you need to have Google on your side. 

There are many secret hacks that can quickly and easily get you into Google’s good books and help you ride the algorithm – but today’s blog is all about Google’s secrets and the things that you might not know (but will want to know) about the search engine. 

  1. Google has advanced search options beyond the standard ones

We all know about standard search, images, maps, and shopping. But were you aware of the advanced search options and functions which can help your business stand out against more niche and industry-specific searches?

These include:

  • A ‘related’ or similar-content search function which means that searches can be broadened while keeping them within the same sector or industry. For business owners, searching your business name or product and adding the world “related” at the end will help you to uncover some of the competitors who are ranking on similar searches to you.
  • Search for social media profiles by adding “@” before the business name. 
  • Search for specific content both online and across social media by adding “#” at the start of the search. This particular tool allows business owners to see what other hashtags are trending alongside and associated with their own business hashtags. 

Using these tools can help you to find out more about your competitors and uncover a whole reem of search terms and keywords that you hadn’t even considered working into your content. 

  1. Google’s updates are more frequent than you think

In fact, the search engine releases thousands of tiny changes every year – many of which impact the overall algorithm and can change the way that your site is found by users. 

In order to ensure that your website is future-proof, check out our blog on helping your content rank in 2022. [link blog]

  1. Google monitors bounce rate

The bounce rate of a webpage is when a user lands on it and quickly moves away from the page – something which can occur after an accidental click, or because they are instantly put off by the design, formatting, or on-page experience that that land on. While business owners are well aware of bounce rate, did you know that Google has access to that information too and can use it to assess the reputation and reliability of your website in light of the searches that bring users to your landing page?

This is why it’s so important to make sure that your content strategy is on point and that the keywords and ranking terms you use are cohesive with and complimentary of the content that you are posting. 

  1. Google doesn’t try to hide its SEO guidelines

Far from it, in fact! Google releases its very own SEO guides which are designed to educate business owners and website operators on exactly what they need to do in order to rank highly through the search engine. 

Seems like all of those “impossible to guess” SEO excuses are on the way out!

  1. Google is fun – with the logo changing according to global days of recognition

While a useful and highly functional online tool, Google also has its own light-hearted side – for example changing and adjusting its logo in line with days of recognition as they are observed around the world. 

It also works online games into the search engine, allowing users to play against Google’s AI, and can replicate all manner of unexpected and funny noises that can entertain for hours.

  1. Google and Google Maps work well across both platforms

 If you don’t have access to a Google Maps app, you can simply type a request for directions into the search bar of Google and the search engine will provide you with end-to-end instructions on how to reach your destination. 

TOP BUSINESS TIP: Make sure that your business is listed on ‘Google My Business’ so that it appears as a local business for those searching and using the maps function in your local area. Google My Business gives you the power to edit and manage your own online presence across Google Maps, featuring reviews, images, and information – making it crucial for supporting local businesses.

How to keep on top of Google’s many twists and turns

Maintaining a successful online presence in the eyes of Google means not only keeping an eye on its many algorithm changes and requests – it also means making sure that your website is an adaptive and flexible space which can roll with those changes. 

In 2020, when Google announced its Core Web Vitals update, the focus was placed heavily on the user experience – with page speed and stability leading factors in high ranking. Meanwhile, SEO is always at the top of the list for creating content that ranks, and an effective keyword strategy is the best way to ensure that you always top the competition. 

The more time you spend getting to know Google, the better your experience as a website owner will be. And if you need support or advice, the team at Slate are always here to help build out a website which ticks all of your business boxes and gives your target customer the information and solutions they need, when they need it.

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