BuildorPro offer an alternative solution to web design and development that will change the way you work forever. The idea is that using BuilorPro, your browser becomes your design and development environment. Instead of using multiple applications to achieve your goal, you can use the browser to visually design a website altering the code whilst you do so. Using a unique blend of code editing tools and design tools to create a happy medium between design and development.
BuildorPro is brought to us by Bart Milner, a veteran of the Apple scene and developed by James Law. Their vision is to create a tool where you can design and builb web in its natural environment – the browser!
We are excited about this and BuildoPro are currently sending out invites to join the beta stage – here’s hoping we get one!
Check out their website for more information about BuilorPro –
Follow them on twitter here for the latest news.
Watch the video below for a demonstration:
Posted: November 2010
Author: Slate